Special districts: Filings, staffing & legal considerations

Published in Colorado Real Estate Journal

VF Law Partner Damien Bielli‘s article “Special Districts: Filings, staffing & legal considerations” has been featured in the latest issue of the Colorado Real Estate Journal. Special districts in Colorado are vital quasi-governmental entities providing essential services like water, fire protection, parks, sanitation, and transportation. Operating separately from municipalities and counties, these districts are funded through taxes, fees, and bonds, governed by a board of directors, and held to strict legal and filing requirements.

To remain compliant and transparent, special districts must adhere to various filings, including annual budgets, audit reports, election notices, and tax levy filings. They must also submit disclosures related to contracts, financial health, and governance, ensuring public access to key information.

“Operating a special district in Colorado requires a thorough understanding of the legal and procedural requirements necessary to remain compliant and transparent,” writes Bielli. “As we progress through 2025, understanding these filing obligations is critical for districts to operate efficiently and maintain public trust.”

Click here to read more.
