WUCIOA For All—A Proactive Approach to a Massive Change in Community Association Law

Published in the King County Bar Bulletin 
VF Law attorneys Tony Rafel and Tim Feth write about The Washington Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (WUCIOA) and what it means for community associations in their latest column published in the King County Bar Bulletin.

In 2018, Washington introduced the c (WUCIOA) to standardize laws governing community associations, including condominiums and homeowners’ associations (HOAs). While WUCIOA applies to communities created after July 1, 2018, it will fully take effect in 2028, when it will apply to all communities, regardless of when they were formed.

Before WUCIOA, different statutes governed various community types, creating confusion and inconsistencies. WUCIOA aims to streamline regulations, introducing uniform requirements like resale certificates and open meetings for all common interest communities.

To prepare for the 2028 deadline, associations can “opt-in” early, amending their governing documents to comply with WUCIOA. This website provides resources to help associations navigate this transition and ensure compliance before the 2028 deadline.

“WUCIOA For All solves the problem of having disparate laws applying arbitrarily to similar communities. But the benefit of this standardization will come at a cost,” they write. Find out more by reading the article here.
